Today young generation become bald @ 20 year of age. Especially for men’s hair fall is happen at 20 itself, it will leads to balding. Because of this all men take care of their hair to solve this problem in the concern of marriage.
Even took more care still there is confusion why balding is happen? Now we discuss about the main reasons for balding..
Heredity is one of the reason for balding. Especially in today’s world stress, unhealthy lifestyle and habits are increasing the hair loss this prevents hair growth in that place and leads to bald head. This problem not only for men, women also have too much of this issue.
If stress increases will have to face numerous problems. Balding is one of its. Hair experts say stress inducing factors leads to balding.
Unhealthy Food Habits:
Unhealthy food habits don’t give any nutrients to our body. Especially lack of protein, carotene and vitamins doesn't give enough nutrients for hair growth. This is leads to balding. So pay more attention in take good and healthy food habits. Consume protein and nutrition rich foods.
Hormone changes:
Unhealthy lifestyle and certain medicines or diseases cause hormonal imbalances to men. Hormonal imbalances in the body increase the secretion of dihydrotestosterone hormone. Its resulting in balding at that place.
Oxygen is very important for the health of root. Such oxygen circulates through blood to the hair roots. But smoking decreases the level of oxygen in blood and decreases the blood flow and circulation. Smoking mixes the nicotine in blood. Its affects the hair roots and also stops the hair growth. Smoking also spoils the sleep at night. These are reasons for hair fall.
Nutrient-rich foods:
Consume good nutrient rich foods, vitamin B-3, B-5, B-5, zinc, iron and magnesium rich foods.
Sleep Well:
Sleep at least 1-8 hours in night. Take plenty of water to induce the hair growth.
Foods that stimulate hair growth:
Milk, Almonds, palak, broccoli, oranges, grains, fish, soya beans, eggs, greens etc. should be include in the diet too. The hair will grow well.
Even took more care still there is confusion why balding is happen? Now we discuss about the main reasons for balding..
Heredity is one of the reason for balding. Especially in today’s world stress, unhealthy lifestyle and habits are increasing the hair loss this prevents hair growth in that place and leads to bald head. This problem not only for men, women also have too much of this issue.
If stress increases will have to face numerous problems. Balding is one of its. Hair experts say stress inducing factors leads to balding.
Unhealthy Food Habits:
Unhealthy food habits don’t give any nutrients to our body. Especially lack of protein, carotene and vitamins doesn't give enough nutrients for hair growth. This is leads to balding. So pay more attention in take good and healthy food habits. Consume protein and nutrition rich foods.
Hormone changes:
Unhealthy lifestyle and certain medicines or diseases cause hormonal imbalances to men. Hormonal imbalances in the body increase the secretion of dihydrotestosterone hormone. Its resulting in balding at that place.
Oxygen is very important for the health of root. Such oxygen circulates through blood to the hair roots. But smoking decreases the level of oxygen in blood and decreases the blood flow and circulation. Smoking mixes the nicotine in blood. Its affects the hair roots and also stops the hair growth. Smoking also spoils the sleep at night. These are reasons for hair fall.
Nutrient-rich foods:
Consume good nutrient rich foods, vitamin B-3, B-5, B-5, zinc, iron and magnesium rich foods.
Sleep Well:
Sleep at least 1-8 hours in night. Take plenty of water to induce the hair growth.
Foods that stimulate hair growth:
Milk, Almonds, palak, broccoli, oranges, grains, fish, soya beans, eggs, greens etc. should be include in the diet too. The hair will grow well.
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